Wedding Bob @ Besut
Last CNY kitaorg pegi Kenduri Kesyukuran (actually it was a wedding) Bob & pasangannya Chah..jauh jugak..Besut sbb da lama sgt x pegi Ganu..we just this grab this opportunity....pas ni x tawu la bile plak bole peginyer..ramai jugak..ex-schoolmate yg dtg..actually Bob was my husband's schoolmate..SEMSAS, i was there but only for 2 months then i went to MRSM Muar...lukisan kejuruteraan susah la... :)) i rather took accounting..
Rafiq & Naho decided to choose CNY theme..haaa engkau, terkejut Bob..salah rumah ape ke dieorg nih...hihihi..ala x kesah la..the theme colour was purple..nice one..bob kate baju melayu die package sekali ngan alas meja.. :))
Baroq..biasa la bawak anak die yg comel 2 org tu...i took imran with me..comel sgt die..x kesah pn ngan sesape..baiknyer lah..sonok kalau dpt anak camtu..mestilah baik..dok kt auntie jia kan..kan imran kan.. :))
Wah3.... comel nye auntie jia ;-)
Wah3.... comel nye auntie jia ;-)
haaaa...finally...boley pn :) suke3..mesti la nk pegang budak comei..kite pn kene arr comei gok ihiks..:)
Baby jia nnt mesti comei mcm ayah dia kn kn kn... ;-)
eeeee...tolong la....mane ade cam ayah die..comei cam mummy die la...
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