Last week..,right after Mamak Wedding kt Tjg husband brought me to this place...dlm email throught out Monday to Friday he keep on' s secret..pujuk2 pn x nak kasi tawu...rupenyer2 nk pegi Sg Kelah Hot spring...sbb bile balik kg die kt Bota...i merengek2 nk pegi Sg Kelah...haaaa..amik..nk sgt pegi...hehe...
From the simpang...quite far jugak...just follow the Felda residence first only like 2 cars (including us) were heading to that place...i was, x kan x ramai org sampai je kt sana...da ramai rupenyer..dlm tuh..bayar RM10.00 per, for kid..x igt sagt RM8 kot...
ni kt mountain spring cool...sejuk gaknyer..penuh bebudak kt sini
kt tempat org rebus telur ni..60-70 Celcious degree..air die
Control nih....kaki tgh rendam dlm air panas...essssss...boley tahan gak la merah2 kakimasa jln2....walkway tendang²..excited ker....letih ker..xtawu ni mummy..anash..anash...ouch!! :)
wahhhhhhhhhh !!!!
besar nyerrr.
memang seiring dan sejalan lah juga sekaki.
Panas banget... ;-)
panas tau iyda...masa memula letak kaki tuh...ushhhh...boley ala2 sauna gitu...
Bestnyer gi hot spring. Back home pun ada jugak, Ranau hot spring tapi lama da tak pegi :(
Baby mesti eksaited tu... hehe. Apsal tak mandi?? Sambil makan telur rebus ke :P
wah seronok la... tapi tax tau kat mana tu
hi TH, :),it was somewhere...kalau ikut PLUS, exit Sungkai..pas tol masuk kiri...
hehe comel baby Jia cakap anash anash!!
Bestnya pergi hot spring!! Nak pergi juga lah!
Tu la. same gak.
rase mcm nak g jugak la.
eh... not sure :P hehe.. i seldom see where I go as hubby driving haha....
baby kicking so nice..
comeinye husband & wife neh.. bahagia2 selalu yer.. ;)
lalongggg toi.. sg kelah yer..
active btol bby eyh..
mest lar mummy n babah die bwk gi jln2..huhuhu~~~
happy go lucky!
hi TH, :) same wit me..if my hubby was driving..i oso dunno, i'm really poor when it's come to sense of direction...selalu sesat..*LOL*
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